RINGANA is the most attractive business in the market. Our course of expansion and our strong growth in existing markets fortunately mean that our number of Leaders is constantly growing too. So that this growth was reflected in the sales structure, from the beginning of 2024 all RINGANA Partners who reached Target Level 8 became Leaders. That move worked well, and our business was strengthened still further. As such, to fully represent Leaders in the RINGANA target plan as well, in future maximum commission points for the strongest team will therefore also be introduced for Target Level 7. This means that from the March 2026 statement period maximum commission points of 7,000 will be applied to the strongest team in Target Level 7. This step will also strengthen the RINGANA business model with regard to further expansion, and it is fairer in terms of current requirements with regard to our Leaders.
RINGANA Partners have the right to object to these modifications within one month of this News article, by sending an e-mail to compliance@ringana.com. Otherwise they will become an integral part of the contract. In the event that you object, we draw your attention to Art. 13.1 of the General Terms and Conditions for RINGANA Partners.
In making this industry-standard adjustment RINGANA is pursuing the goal of ensuring the medium and long-term stability of direct sales, and thus also securing and strengthening the basis for many thousands of RINGANA Partners. With this adjustment, we can be confident that RINGANA’s cornerstone – direct sales via our Partners – will continue to grow profitably.